
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Say What You Need to Say

“When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.”
What a great quote.
Lately, I've been thinking about the fear of rejection and how it affects us.  It's interesting that no matter how confident we are, the fear of criticism, feeling unloved, or simply to be told "no", is something we all struggle with.

I've been in many situations where I was afraid to speak up.  I don't like confrontation and I try not to stir the pot.  But sometimes my fear of confrontation isn't logical; I've been hesitant to give someone a compliment, because of the fear the person might respond negatively---even if I say something positive-that irrational.

And don't get me started on boys.  I once (okay it was pretty recent) came to the extremely illogical conclusion that a cute boy was already in a relationship, so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself trying to talk to him (because hellooooo, I didn't want to disrespect what he and his girlfriend had together!)...what?!

The fear of rejection goes beyond a sub-par romantic comedy.  It is real life, and it can hold us back in real situations.  This fear creeps up on us in the smallest situations (like my examples above), and also prevents us from building relationships, expanding professional networks, and taking advantage of major opportunities.  We can become so focused on the negatives, the riskiness of a decision, or the chance of humiliation, that we don't ask for what we want, or say what we feel or know is right.  And what good is that?  I mean, we are so scared of being embarrassed, alone, and failing, but that fear is what ultimately causes us to be alone, embarrassed and, well, fail.

Facing rejection is inevitable, but beating ourselves up over it doesn't have to be.  In most cases, the answer to any question will result in a "yes" or "no".  If the answer is "yes", we get what we want.  If the answer is "no", we either work towards that "yes", or realize that there is something better in store for us anyway.  That rejection tests us, and causes us to prove how much we want something, and how determined we are to get it.

When I talk about not being afraid of rejection and saying what you feel, I'm obviously not talking about being disrespectful or rude to someone just because you dislike them.  I'm talking about us all working towards being unapologetic for expressing ourselves.  I'm talking about telling someone how much you admire them (or think they're a QT), explaining why you deserve a higher grade, internship, job or promotion.  I'm also talking about standing up for your opinions, and not compromising your values and beliefs in order to be well-liked.  Because as scary as it may be, there is a sense of accomplishment that occurs when you lay everything out on the table. 

Another point I'd like to make is that the person who rejected you in whatever way, likely wasn't trying to embarrass you or make you feel unwanted.  We can be thinking about the situation for days, even weeks, and they probably forgot about the whole thing 10 seconds later.  Just think about the last time you had negative feelings about someone you said "no"'s probably not that common (unless the person was mean or aggressive or something).  Simply put, we can read more into a situation than necessary. 

This weekend, and for the rest of the summer and beyond, let's all try to [respectfully] say what we need to say in every aspect of our lives (no matter how big or small).  Let's move past the fear of rejection as best we can, and let our words and efforts to express ourselves contribute to our success, and more importantly, our happiness and self-acceptance!

How do you plan on dealing with your fear of rejection?? 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Things I would tell my 'Then' self

This week I was reading through past journal entries, and came across a list I made at the beginning of the year, entitled "Things I would have told my 'then' self".  I think we all have valuable tips we would have given ourselves if only we knew how life would pan out, but sadly, the past is in the past.  Nevertheless, I thought it'd be fun to share my list with you, because although I have no regrets, maybe people still in high school can benefit from my lessons, or people my age and older can identify with these tips/warnings drawn from different experiences I've had so far.

Today's blog post is comes straight from my journal people!
1. Do not lose your tattoo choker because those things are now going for way more than you'll be willing to pay.

2. Remember people's last names so you can creep them on Facebook seven years later and see what they look like post-puberty.

3. You're not popular.  You don't even know what that means.  Stop being stuck up.  You're 10.

4. Cherish all the field trips you're going on because it will never happen again.

5. Don't be friends with mean people who make you feel the need to be meaner yourself.

6. The people you try so hard to impress and be friends with actually suck.  STAY AWAY.

7. But don't stay away because they will teach you that there is no need to impress and be friends with people who suck. Ha.

8. Not everyone will like you or understand you. Some will hate you for no reason but that's ok, own it.

9. You can't save everyone, and sometimes, you can't save people from themselves.

10. Maybe don't cry so much over people, because I promise you none of them will be remotely relevant today.

11. Care more about people's feelings.

12. But always do what's best for you regardless of what other people think.

13. University is as good as they say, and better than you think it will be.

14. Things get better.

15. Remember that happiness is a choice.

16. Time really does heal all.

This was just a short post, but it's always interesting to reflect on past experiences and realize that when people used to say "those things you're worrying about won't matter in a few years" they were 100% right!  I would love to know what you would have told your "then" self based on what you've learned about yourself and life in general, so don't be afraid to comment or tweet me!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

*Blows off Dust*

Ahh, it has been way too long.  The last time I wrote a post for this blog, it was the beginning of the school year, and now it's almost July!

I've been away for so long because I've been trying to figure out what kind of content I want to post, based on what I really enjoy, and what I want to share with people.  My previous posts have been "Buzzfeed-esque", which were fun to write, but lately, I've been realizing how passionate I am about different issues, and that I shouldn't be afraid to discuss my opinions or share a deeper and more insightful side of me.

I am the first to admit that I am a very...scared person.  I'm a perfectionist, so many times I am fearful that my efforts to do something different won't be taken the way I want, or that I'll fail.  But failure only occurs when you don't even bother trying.  SO I need to force myself to stop thinking so much, and do what I want.  Because that's when I'll see results.  That's when I'll be more successful--even if I fail.  If that makes sense.

I literally need to read this every day of my life.

But anyway, the first issue that I want to tackle, is that of the "real" woman.  I wrote a previous post on the concept of "beauty" as a whole (check it out here), but this one is geared more toward my ladies, and the obsession society seems to have with our bodies.

I've always been pretty comfortable with my body, even though the people around me may not have felt the same way about how I looked.  I grew up, especially in high school, being called "skinny". And I don't mean the "Wow, you're so skinny and beautiful".  No, the word "skinny" often shot out of people's mouths like venom; it was a distasteful, ugly word, and without a doubt, an insult.  This is because people (both men and women) have this notion that women have to have a certain body, certain attributes that fit their idea of beautiful.  Because "only real women have curves", or "why have a skinny girl when you can have a girl with a real body?".  Excuse me, what????

Everyone has their preferences when it comes to what they find attractive, but there doesn't have to be an either or.  We were all created without error, and if that means that some of us are on one end of the spectrum, some of us are on the other end, and some are sitting in the middle, that doesn't make any of us less of a woman, or less beautiful, capable, interesting, or amazing than the next.  We are all trying to navigate through life the best way we can, and don't need the added stress of trying to live up to the (impossible) expectations of people who don't matter.

We all deserve encouragement, love, and acceptance from not only others, but ourselves, and that comes from knowing that our outer appearance--our size, our clothes, if we choose to put on makeup or not--should not deter from who we are as individuals, and what we have to offer the world.  I just really wanted to remind all the women out there, myself included, that although we should take pride in how we look, and be confident in our bodies and whatnot, we are REAL women regardless of all of it.  We should bring each other up, and remember that beauty isn't one universal look.  Live your life with love: love for others and love for yourself.

I also filmed a video to accompany this post that can be viewed below:

Thank you to those who are reading this, and yay for my resurrected blog!  Consider this a transition period, as I begin to delve into more personal, thoughtful posts, that will hopefully encourage, inspire, and entertain you all (I still have my impeccable sense of humour dontcha know!).

Have a great week (it's Saturday, so like, have a great weekend?  But there's only one day left of the weekend...I don't know)!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ways to tell if you have "That" Friend

The topic of having and what makes someone a good friend has been on my mind a lot this week.  This year has been great for me in terms of making really good friends, but there were times when I wasn't as lucky.  I'm sure we can all admit that we haven't always been the perfect friend to the people we love, and the people we love haven't been the perfect friends to us.  However, there are some friends..."THAT" friend, who isn't necessarily the nicest or most considerate person in our clique on a more consistent basis.  But if you're still unclear as to the kind of person I'm talking about, I've composed a list of hints that will help you spot if you have or maybe even are "that" friend (although I sincerely hope that you have a fun, loyal, honest, trustworthy group of friends in which this post would just be for entertainment).

Bookmarks - could do for end of year gifts to each student. friendship
Do you have friends like this, or the ones below?  (Source)

They only text you when they need something - And to them, that means "anything" at any time of the day.  

They talk about themselves...ALL the time - Friends are supposed to make sacrifices, and your friend believes that means you sacrificing your own problems to listen to theirs.
They lie to you when you ask for their advice or opinions because why would you deserve to hear their actual opinions?  They like to agree with you no matter what, in order to avoid arguments and any of the sticky stuff that comes with having an honest conversation.

Jennifer Lawrence Yeah OK
When you just know your friend is lying (Source)
They talk about you behind your back to, well, anyone - Yes, your friend loves you most of the time, but sometimes they can't help but vent to other people when you're getting on his/her last nerve!
They don't make conversation with your family - Even though your parents are the ones who drove the two of you to the Jonas Brothers' concert in '07, or let him/her sleep in your house for three days straight, your friend doesn't feel the need to be all buddy-buddy with your fam.  They have one family they have to speak to on a daily basis, and that's enough for them.  

They never offer to pay the extra couple of dollars for you- It sucks when you're missing some change to pay for your Booster Juice smoothie, but it's really not their problem now is it?

Ryan Gosling Disaproves
When "that" friend gives you the "you're broke" look... (Source)
They drop you as soon the people around them make fun of you- "You are only as good as the company you keep" and your friend doesn't want to be associated with someone who makes them look bad in the eyes of people he/she doesn't even care about.  
If they ever have a choice between their significant other and you, they always choose the significant other - They don't think blowing you off to be with their boyfriend or girlfriend is that big of a deal.  You should understand that the person they've been dating for two weeks means A LOT to them, ok???
They always make excuses when they can't hang out with you - Sometimes your friend gets better offers, and he/she needs to think of a little white lie to get out of spending yet another Friday night eating pizza and watching Sex and the City reruns with you

They point out your flaws or state their opinions...especially when it's most inappropriate - Their idea of being a good friend means telling you when you're "getting fat", don't have the right personality for your dream job, or that your boyfriend dresses weird.  And they believe it's best when these things are said in front of a large group of people. 

They flirt with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/ex, but that's only to test your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/ex to make sure they were, are, or will be a good and loyal candidate for you.  Well...most of the time.  On other occasions, it's just to annoy you.  Oops!

They don't let you have other friends - You only need one person in your life, and that's obviously him/her.  Any other platonic relationships would just get in the way of the strong bond you two share.
They write rude statuses and tweets about you when they're angry - It makes more sense for him/her to share their anger at you with the cyber world than directly with you.  That way, tension can build between you, people can gossip about your friendship, and the whole situation can become bigger than it could have been if they had just spoken to you directly.

Sudden Clarity
Scrolling down your timeline happily until you see that awful subtweet (Source)
They don't do anything with you unless they want to do it - Remember the "sacrifice" we spoke about earlier?  Well that only applies to you.  Therefore, your friend should never be asked to sit through a boring sports game, or spend six hours at the mall shopping for something that you're clearly not going to find.  

Well... (Source)
They say one thing, and do the other - On Tuesday, your friend tells you that he/she hates when people do something, and on Friday, you catch them doing the exact thing they said they hated.  But they can't help it...he/she is a complex person.

Jonah Hill Cut It Out
Cut it out. (Source)
I'm sure there are other ways to tell if you have "that" friend, but these are the main characteristics that no one ever wants in a friend.  As I said above, none of us are perfect, but I can honestly say that I've had friends say and do some of these things, and it feels good when those people are personally escorted out of my life.  So, if you spot any of these in some of your present friends, I recommend assessing whether "that" friend adds value to your life (in which you sit down with him/her and let them know how you feel), or whether they simply add stress (in which you do not neeeeeeeed them).  However, if you see these characteristics in yourself (myself included), we also need to be mindful of how we are treating the people who are most important our lives.  Because, quite frankly, we all deserve to have amazing friends...but to also be amazing friends as well. 

One of my favourite sayings is "relationships shouldn't be stressful", and they shouldn't!  Your friends should bring out the absolute best in you, and you should bring out the best in them!

Check out my Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, and share this post if you liked it.  Have an amazing week!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finding Inspiration

Enjoy this famous poem by Dr. Angelou!

As I'm sure everyone knows, yesterday, beloved activist, writer, poet (she wore so many hats!), Maya Angelou, passed away at the age of 86.  I tweeted that I'm certain everything she's ever said is quotable, and I'm not lying.  She has spoken so many inspirational words that have helped many people in different ways.  She has written memoirs and autobiographies about her life, and trials as a young woman.  And yet she was able to push through those hard times and create an amazing, rewarding life for herself.  She's truly someone to admire.  One of her many quotes that spoke to me today is:

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love.  Don't make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you."

What do I love to do?  What is my passion?  I think those are questions that everyone has or will ask themselves at one point or another.  But seriously, how do any of us figure that out????  My advice is to think about what your most perfect day would look like after you've left your house.  Where would you go?  Who would you see or talk to?  What would you do?  What would you surround yourself with?  What would you eat?  If money or distance wasn't an issue (while still being realistic...), how would you spend that day?  Now ask yourself why you chose that.  Is it because it's something you've never done before, or is it because it's something you do all the time, and gives you the most peace and happiness?

If you chose more than one "perfect day" that's cool too.  I know I can see myself doing multiple things and still being happy with my life.  The problem is, I've never tried any of them.  I mean, we can visualize our perfect situation all we want, but if we don't try it out and see if it's truly what we want to do, what good is that?  So the next step would be to put things into action.  If you see yourself helping children with poverty in third world countries, plan a missions trip or contact a relief organization and see how you can get involved.  If you imagine your perfect day in a designer gown receiving an Oscar, take acting classes or enroll in theatre school, and try joining an agency.  If you plan on being an entrepreneur, create a business plan.  And if you want to travel, book a ticket (I totally understand that a lot of the cool destinations are reeeaal pricey, so maybe save up for that one).  Many of us look at the people who take action and think "wow I wish I could do that", but in reality, why can't we?  There are so many practical ways to take that first step towards living fulfilling lives, so why don't we take it?

Of course there's a lot of fear that comes with following your dreams...fear of failure, of going against the norm, or even the fear that you won't be satisfied once you get to where you envisioned yourself.  First of all, failure is necessary and makes success all the more rewarding.  Secondly, doing what everyone does will never make you stand out for being great.  And thirdly, who said you had to do one thing for 50 years?  No one.  As Dr. Angelou said, you can't be truly accomplished unless you love what you're doing, so if you're unhappy, it's okay to change your mind about the direction you're going in!  Once we get over our fears, whatever they may be, we'll have a clearer vision of what we need to do to accomplish our goals.

Seek inspiration.  Don't wait for it to come to you.  Go out there, make your own experiences, and challenge yourself.  I have yet to hear an inspiring story that begins with "I was laying in bed one night..." (although being in bed is important too).  You don't always have to go far to be inspired, either.  It can start in your community, with your friends, with strangers, with anything and anyone!  Try not to limit yourself by only paying attention to the big things, because you may miss out on the little things that actually turn out to be the big things (pretty sure a quote like this already exists).  And if you're religious like me, pray about it!  Be still, and listen to what you're being told about your calling toward a particular profession or way of life.  I discovered this song called "Am I wrong", that just happened to fit the message of striving for your goals no matter what other people are doing or saying.  As long as we have integrity, follow our hearts, and stand up for what we believe in, we should always be proud of what we've done and where life has taken us!  Be your own person and you can't go wrong!  Click here to listen.


As I said in another post, I'm not a psychologist and I'm not trying to be.  I consider this blog as a way to communicate with you all as friends, so I'm giving advice and sharing my thoughts as a friend.  I don't expect everyone to agree because we all have our own opinions, but if this helps you or you know someone who has been in a rut lately, why not pass it along?  I know I'm not this famous blogger or anything, but it really means a lot to me when people message me and let me know that my blog helps or entertains them in some way.  So thank you!!!

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  Have an inspiring week!  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Celebrities I Love for More than their Talent

I never understood people's genuine obsession with celebrities.  You know who I'm talking about: those fanatics who change their last names to those of actor's or actress' on social media, or threaten the person a celebrity is dating.  Most of the time, we only "know" an actor or singer from the roles they play or the songs they sing; very few of us actually get to see who they really are aside from some their interviews, tweets, or more recently, Instagram or Vine videos.  But there are some celebrities that have sold me on their kind, down-to-earth, and even funny personalities (with beauty to boot!).  They are the top famous people I would want to meet and even be friends with because they haven't gotten into trouble, take a stand against issues and support causes, and are just sooo cool!  Here are the celebrities that I adore for much more than their stage talent!

Blake Lively 

Blake Lively: Cannes Film Festival 2014. Gucci Premiere and Chanel Couture. PERFECT
How perfect does Blake Lively look on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival?? (Source)

Okay, yes, she has been absolutely KILLING it over at Cannes with her gorgeous gowns, and inability to have a bad hair day...not to mention posing on the red carpet with her perfect husband, Ryan Reynolds, by her side (they are literally the modern day Barbie and Ken).  And, yes, maybe Gossip Girl is one of the best shows ever created.  But aside from all of that, Blake Lively seems like the sweetest girl with the biggest heart.  She loves to cook (and got me hooked on the show, Chopped), is an advocate for the empowerment of women, and is the face of Gucci and supports their Chime for Change campaign.  She keeps her private life private (which is admirable, but also disappointing as a fan who wants to see what's new in Blakey's life), and she genuinely seems not to notice how stunning she is.  And to me, humility is always a wholesome trait for a role model to possess.

Miles Teller 

Miles Teller I love you way too much
If you haven't seen any of Miles Teller's movies, check them out this instant!!! (Source)
Follow Miles Teller here!
I don't remember when I first fell in love with him.  It could be when I watched him learn to dance in the movie Footloose, or breakdown and cry to his mother in the movie The Spectacular Now (which everyone needs to see by the way).  Or it could be his high cheekbones and winning sense of humour.  Either way, Miles Teller is amazing.  Watching his interviews on YouTube, it is obvious that he takes his roles seriously, has the best time bringing each character he plays to life, and is a total sweetheart.  He's not what you would call a stereotypical "hearthrob", but with his ability to be entertaining on and off the big screen, he's a hottie, and should make me his BFF immediately.

Sophia Bush 

Sophia bush is perfection
Such a beauty who cares about the issues affecting our world.  (Source)

One Tree Hill has been off the air since 2012, but no matter.  Thanks to DVD boxed sets, I have been able to binge watch this popular show.  Naturally, I've looked up the actors on social media and I'm so impressed with Sophia Bush!  Aside from her cool, raspy voice, and tear-jerking OTL monologues, Sophia uses her Instagram and Twitter account to promote kindness and inner beauty, and is also an activist for women - especially those living in developing countries.  She is extremely successful, but also has her head on straight, and uses her success to reach people and share her views on important world issues.  You go girl (this is such a cheesy phrase but I actually mean it)!

Lupita Nyong'o 

Lupita Nyong’o
Lupita is just gorgeous from the inside out! (Source)

Of course I had to include my girl, Lupita!  I mean, she is an Academy Award winning actress, but she is also so much more than that.  Lupita wasn't always the confident girl we see today.  In many of her interviews, she talks about wishing she could wake up with lighter skin, and not truly thinking she was beautiful as a young woman.  But her composed, classy, and humble nature causes us to admire her not only for her beautiful face and totally fit body, but the kind and beautiful soul she has as well.  She gives hope to all the little girls who don't think they're beautiful because of their skin, or because they don't see girls like them represented in the media.  And I think that is one of the most powerful things someone can ever do.

J. Cole 

I absolutely love him. (Source)

If I'm not obsessed with any celebrities, J. Cole is the closest I get.  As a rapper from Fayettville, North Carolina, Cole grew up in a single parent home, and remarks on many occasions that his family was quite poor.  He didn't have much, but he did have determination and drive.  He moved to New York for college (on an academic scholarship), graduated magna cum laude (which means, "with great honour" in Latin), and after several attempts at getting a record deal, he was the first artist signed with Jay-Z.  He writes and produces his own tracks, and his music is raw, honest, and relatable.  In addition to all of this, Cole has his own foundation that strives to help the urban youth in his hometown discover their dreams, and work hard to achieve success.  Marry me, perhaps?

Lauren Conrad 

Chic Peek: My February Kohl’s Collection
Lauren Conrad has literally been one of my role models since I was 12 years old, and for good reasons! (Source)

People can say what they want about The Hills, but I spent the entire preteen stage of my life watching it, and it is by far my favourite show.  Throughout her time on TV, Lauren managed to stay grounded, and didn't let fame negatively affect her.  Instead, she started and now has three clothing lines, a successful blog, and is a bestselling author for her LA Candy book series.  She is also active on social media, tweeting and taking beautiful photos of the simple things she surrounds herself with.  Conrad and one of her friends started The Little Market, a "social enterprise" that showcases and sells the handmade products of female artisans from all around the world.  As the second highest paid reality show personality, She could have just donated money to these communities.  Instead, she chose to fuel their economy, giving women of various ethnicities and cultures the ability to sell their products to a wider consumer-base, support their families, and be independent.


I started liking these celebrities because of their talent or prominence on my television screen.  I didn't realize until I began writing this post, that part of the reason why I started loving them so much was because of their down-to-earth personalities, and/or efforts to impact our world in positive ways.  Any celebrity can be entertaining because of the role they play, the songs they sing, or the drama they find themselves involved in.  However, it takes strong, unique, and good-hearted individuals to recognize that their status in society can do more than give them the money to buy a mansion or a nice car.  They can inspire, support, and instill confidence in regular people, and that has more merit than any Grammy or Oscar.

Click on the quotes and links to read the rest of the articles and learn more about some of the organizations these celebrities are involved with!  And if you liked this post, be sure to share it with your friends, and follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.  Have the best week ever! (Read my last post here)

Friday, May 9, 2014

I Wish there was Another Word for "Beautiful"

Earlier this week, I did something I never thought I'd be able to do (at least not yet): I went out in public with no makeup on.  Some people may think that's stupid, or that people who can't be fresh faced are conceited or whatever.  But I, like many people, have acne scars, and they can be embarrassing. They made me feel uncomfortable showing my face for almost six years.  However, a couple weeks ago, I did a chemical peel, which causes your old skin to peel off, and reveal clearer, new skin.  And let me tell you, that was the most torturous week ever (It didn't hurt or anything, but I had to stay home for a week about stir crazy!).  Even though I did the peel, the scars were not completely faded, and my skin was nowhere close to being flawless (Beyoncé voice).  Nevertheless, I applied my sunscreen, put on a baseball cap and sunglasses, mustered up courage, and headed out the door.  

I had to wait 10 minutes before the bus came.  This meant I had to stand there, outside, where someone I knew could see me and be alarmed at the sight of my face (everyone has only seen me with makeup on).  But no one I knew showed up, and no one took particular interest in me or what I looked like.  This went on for the rest of the journey.  In fact, when I realized that people didn't really care about my appearance, I started gaining a little bit of confidence.  I spoke to sales associates, stopped tugging so much on my cap...I even took my sunglasses off!  After a while, I looked at this as an accomplishment.  I had built up the courage to go out in public showing the real me!

This got me thinking about the people who have insecurities they can't hide, no matter how hard they try: a birth mark, an undesirable facial feature, or even their weight.  I have a greater respect for these people.  Everyday, they have to get out of bed and step into the public eye, being, or at least acting like they are comfortable in their own skin.  Some people may decide to ignore them, or make fun of them because something they can't change.  But they still have to live their lives and choose to be happy.

Sometimes it feels impossible to embrace our flaws, but even the most gorgeous person alive has his/her insecurities.  Everyone has something they scrutinize in the bathroom mirror.  And despite society's idea that we all have to look and have the same idea of "pretty" in order to be accepted, for the most part, people will accept you regardless of what you think is "ugly" or "unattractive" about yourself.  There's no point stressing ourselves out, trying to look a certain way for people who will criticize or put us down anyway.  I mean, we all want to look nice, be complimented, and receive "likes" on our photos, but getting "likes" on Instagram of Facebook isn't everything.  What's most important is how we feel and who we are on the inside.  That way, our internal confidence and positivity can radiate outward, impacting people's lives, rather than attempting to satisfy judgemental eyes.

I truly admire people who accept their imperfections.  There is just something about someone who knows they are beautiful from the inside out, and that the people who know it too are the only ones worth their time.  I guess the point of this long ramble is that although we are ALL beautiful, we ALL have something more to offer the world than physical beauty (and if you don't believe me, just listen to my bby J. Cole's song Crooked Smile).

I've never written a "personal" blog post, but I wanted to post something different this week.  This is really long, probably reeeaally poorly written, and not everyone will agree or enjoy it, but there's no point in gaining a new perspective first-hand, if you can't share it with people who might be interested or impacted (also, the title has nothing to do with the actual blog post but wutevs).

You create beauty with your attitude, your behaviors, your actions. It's all up to you.
Be nice and inspire the people you meet, and remember, "calling other people ugly doesn't make you any prettier"!

Don't forget to check me out and follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  Have the best weekend ever!