
Friday, July 3, 2015

Things I would tell my 'Then' self

This week I was reading through past journal entries, and came across a list I made at the beginning of the year, entitled "Things I would have told my 'then' self".  I think we all have valuable tips we would have given ourselves if only we knew how life would pan out, but sadly, the past is in the past.  Nevertheless, I thought it'd be fun to share my list with you, because although I have no regrets, maybe people still in high school can benefit from my lessons, or people my age and older can identify with these tips/warnings drawn from different experiences I've had so far.

Today's blog post is comes straight from my journal people!
1. Do not lose your tattoo choker because those things are now going for way more than you'll be willing to pay.

2. Remember people's last names so you can creep them on Facebook seven years later and see what they look like post-puberty.

3. You're not popular.  You don't even know what that means.  Stop being stuck up.  You're 10.

4. Cherish all the field trips you're going on because it will never happen again.

5. Don't be friends with mean people who make you feel the need to be meaner yourself.

6. The people you try so hard to impress and be friends with actually suck.  STAY AWAY.

7. But don't stay away because they will teach you that there is no need to impress and be friends with people who suck. Ha.

8. Not everyone will like you or understand you. Some will hate you for no reason but that's ok, own it.

9. You can't save everyone, and sometimes, you can't save people from themselves.

10. Maybe don't cry so much over people, because I promise you none of them will be remotely relevant today.

11. Care more about people's feelings.

12. But always do what's best for you regardless of what other people think.

13. University is as good as they say, and better than you think it will be.

14. Things get better.

15. Remember that happiness is a choice.

16. Time really does heal all.

This was just a short post, but it's always interesting to reflect on past experiences and realize that when people used to say "those things you're worrying about won't matter in a few years" they were 100% right!  I would love to know what you would have told your "then" self based on what you've learned about yourself and life in general, so don't be afraid to comment or tweet me!

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

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